Choose flower delivery same day, delivered on time by the best local florists! Our fresh crafted same-day flowers near me deliver as soon as today.Send flowers and send a smile! Discover fresh flowers online, gift baskets, and florist-designed arrangements. Order flowers online from your local florist in Henderson-Flowers | French Bouquet provides fresh, beautiful flowers in Las Vegas, NV for same-day delivery. Order flowers online or visit our shop!
Choose flower delivery same day, delivered on time by the best local florists! Our fresh crafted same-day flowers near me deliver as soon as today.Send flowers and send a smile! Discover fresh flowers online, gift baskets, and florist-designed arrangements. Order flowers online from your local florist in Henderson-Flowers | French Bouquet provides fresh, beautiful flowers in Las Vegas, NV for same-day delivery. Order flowers online or visit our shop!
Choose flower delivery same day, delivered on time by the best local florists! Our fresh crafted same-day flowers near me deliver as soon as today.Send flowers and send a smile! Discover fresh flowers online, gift baskets, and florist-designed arrangements. Order flowers online from your local florist in Henderson-Flowers | French Bouquet provides fresh, beautiful flowers in Las Vegas, NV for same-day delivery. Order flowers online or visit our shop!
Load image into Gallery viewer, Choose flower delivery same day, delivered on time by the best local florists! Our fresh crafted same-day flowers near me deliver as soon as today.Send flowers and send a smile! Discover fresh flowers online, gift baskets, and florist-designed arrangements. Order flowers online from your local florist in Henderson-Flowers | French Bouquet provides fresh, beautiful flowers in Las Vegas, NV for same-day delivery. Order flowers online or visit our shop!
Load image into Gallery viewer, Choose flower delivery same day, delivered on time by the best local florists! Our fresh crafted same-day flowers near me deliver as soon as today.Send flowers and send a smile! Discover fresh flowers online, gift baskets, and florist-designed arrangements. Order flowers online from your local florist in Henderson-Flowers | French Bouquet provides fresh, beautiful flowers in Las Vegas, NV for same-day delivery. Order flowers online or visit our shop!
Load image into Gallery viewer, Choose flower delivery same day, delivered on time by the best local florists! Our fresh crafted same-day flowers near me deliver as soon as today.Send flowers and send a smile! Discover fresh flowers online, gift baskets, and florist-designed arrangements. Order flowers online from your local florist in Henderson-Flowers | French Bouquet provides fresh, beautiful flowers in Las Vegas, NV for same-day delivery. Order flowers online or visit our shop!

Bear Preserved Real Rose with Necklace in Jewelry Box

Regular price $50.00

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  • 🌹🎁【Preserved Real Rose】:The language of eternal flowers is eternal love, guardian love and special existence. The Eternal Rose is a real rose made by special technology. It is a unique flower which has the touch of a fresh rose but no fragrance. The Eternal Rose has a very long preservation time and can always remain fresh just like love.
  • 🌹🎁【Romantic Gift for Her】:It is the most romantic and surprise gifts stands for I LOVE YOU for wife, girlfriend, mother, daughter and grandmother on Valentine's day, mother's day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, wedding, anniversary, proposal, new year's day, birthday or other holiday occasions.
  • 🌹🎁【Long-lived and Easy Care】:Put the eternal rose in a cool place without management and can be kept for 3-5 years. There is a transparent acrylic cover outside to isolate dust. Your lover will feel very happy when she receive the gift using the highest quality flowers.
  • 🌹🎁【Special Gift Box Suit】: Enchanted Rose Flower is displayed in an elegant jewelry box which has a small drawer itself which you can also use it to store any other jewelry like necklaces or rings besides the fixed matching we provided.We also have a handbag matching. As the gift is sent out, it is more convenient to carry.
  • 🌹🎁【Romantic Rose】:Romance is accompanied by life. Every romantic moment in life is worth cherishing in memory. You can take this as a gift to your favorite people and add romantic memories to each other's memories
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